Shirley & Robert - 70s Semi Bungalow
Indpendent Wall Solution & SM20 Wall Panels
The Problem:
"Our problem is a very deaf neighbour, resulting in us suffering, over a long period of time, from having to listen to the sound of high volume TV programmes, loud voices and banging of internal doors, etc, through the brick party walls of the adjoining property. We used to have to watch the same TV programme as our neighbour as we could view our mute set and listen easily to the sound from next door!!."
The Installation:
"My husband and his brother (both approaching their 70s in age) fitted the recesses of the adjoining wall with resilient bars, acoustic wool and acoustic plasterboard, and the chimney wall with SM20s. The whole job took two days and both men found the materials easy to work with and the instructions easy to follow."
The Results:
"What an amazing difference this has made!! I can now sit in my own lounge and read a newspaper or watch TV in peace, something I haven't been able to do for over 8 years. We no longer know which programme our neighbours are watching or if they have friends or relatives visiting and we feel so relieved to have our lives back again. Now and again there is a slightly muffled TV sound penetrating through to our side of the wall but this is completely bearable and nothing at all like the mental torture we have suffered previously."
# Wall Soundproofing